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How I Get Clients Effortlessly (Full Course) by Dylan Sigley

Dylan Sigley

When you start a new drop servicing business, the dream can turn dark pretty quickly. You imagine it’s going to be absolutely beautiful, that you’re going to follow your passion, but, in reality, it can be a bit of a war zone once you realize the one key thing in drop servicing and any business…

Can you guess what it is?

Yup, that’s right, getting clients!

You can be the best at what you do but if you don’t have the right drop servicing marketing and sales system in place, you’re not going to generate any revenue, a company that doesn’t generate any revenue fails pretty quickly!

So, you learn fast that getting clients is what matters most, but then it dawns upon you — how the hell do you get drop servicing clients?!

Well, that’s really the most common drop servicing question I get: “Dylan Sigley! How can I get my first drop servicing client?”

How to get clients according to Dylan Sigley?

Getting drop servicing clients is hard, right? But does it have to be? No! But the thing is, most drop servicing business owners MAKE getting clients hard by going about the marketing and sales system the wrong way.

Take me, for example, when I started, I tried doing everything to get clients, I sent cold emails to companies in my home city, I connected with decision-makers on LinkedIn, I threw away money on Facebook and Google ads! Everyone’s inboxes were blasted with highly custom offers from a silly little guy called Dylan Sigley.

I had no idea what I was doing! And even though I started getting drop servicing sales through sheer luck, I wasn’t able to scale my drop servicing business to those thick freedom income numbers I had set as my goal number to hit…

If your drop servicing marketing and sales system isn’t high converting, and as optimized as possible, you can’t scale it up, meaning you can’t go from spending $1000 and getting $2000 back to spending $10,000 and getting $20,000 back… because there are inherent flaws in your drop servicing business that as you scale just get worse and worse!

What really happens is you try and scale, but you end up spending $10,000 and only getting $9000 back.

I would try cold email and scale it up, but it wouldn’t work well.

Then, I said cold email sucks, so I tried Google ads, got a few sales, but when I scaled up it crashed and burned.

Then, I trashed the Google ads plan, and thought, well, Facebook will be easy. I got a few sales there and did well but then scaling was a nightmare.

Don’t get me wrong, guys, you can get GREAT results in drop servicing with any one of these marketing channels, you can easily hit $10,000 to $50,000 per month, but if you REALLY want to go big with your drop servicing business, you need to think like a REAL online business.

You can’t just build some little trick business selling a service then hiring someone on Fiverr to do it for you. Service arbitrage is cool but that’s not a REAL drop servicing business. Here we are building a proper agency, completely virtual to give you freedom, but also powerful in its ability to drive revenue and scale like a tsunami. That’s what I preach on all of the Dylan Sigley social media accounts.

So, the titular question here is how did I figure this out? “How DO I get clients effortlessly now Dylan Sigley!?!”

Well, one day I had a realization, you know, once you start something, once you build a certain system, you are going to get 80% of the results from the first 20% of building that system. It’s the basic Pareto principle, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

So, if you focus on just one drop servicing marketing channel, such as cold email, you are going to get 80% of the desired effects of revenue at 20% of the scale. But then as you try and scale up this marketing channel your results will go up but at a diminishing rate. 

So, for example, let’s say you are spending $2000 on the system and getting $8000 back. If you tried scaling up you might spend $3000 and get $10,000 back. You still saw an extra $2000 from the extra $1000 spent, so it’s positive, right? But your returns are diminished because instead of a 4X return on spend, you’re getting a 3.33X return on spend, so it’s slightly worse.

It’s kind of like a bodybuilder going to the gym. When you first start working out, you build muscle very quickly. You will build 80% of the muscle in the first few years, but then after that, you need to put in increasingly more effort to get those little 1% gains, so there are massive diminishing returns.

The same is true when scaling a drop servicing marketing channel. You’re probably wondering now, how do you fix this problem? What’s the smarter thing to do? How can you scale while still getting the highest return on your investment possible?

Well, number 1, you need to Scale a Marketing Channel Until Your Returns Diminish.

You might start Facebook advertising for your drop servicing business and you want to scale it as much as possible, so you spend $100 to start and you get $1000 back, then you spend $200 and you get $2000 back, then you spend $300 and you get $3000 back, so the returns are not diminishing yet, so you can keep scaling, but then suddenly you spend  $400 and only get $3500 back. Well, now diminishing returns have set in, so it’s smarter to scale back down to where you had a higher return on ad spend.

Now, this is a bit of a simplification, but I want to simply illustrate the point to you guys that you should scale a given marketing channel until you notice returns begin to diminish because this can really make or break your drop servicing business.

Great, you have worked out the ideal place to keep your Facebook marketing channel going and remember, this is a simplification. In reality, there is a lot you could do to improve and optimize your Facebook marketing, but let’s assume you’ve done all of that.

Well, if you’re experiencing diminishing returns when you try to scale a given marketing channel, it’s smarter to move onto a separate marketing channel. That way you’re going to likely get a much better return on your investment because 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. The results are usually much better at a lower scale.

So, number 2, you need to add on additional drop servicing marketing channels once diminishing returns set in and you’ve scaled as much as you can.

Now, that I’ve scaled facebook ads much as I can, I might then switch over to Google advertising, so that I can get the highest ROI possible there. I’ll go through the same cycle again, testing and optimizing and modelling from my competitors to figure out how to maximize my results on that marketing channel before I move on to the next.

This is called the leapfrogging model of marketing channel expansion.

But there’s more too it. You’re probably thinking, “well, ok, so I need to choose a marketing channel, optimize and scale as much as I can then move on to the next one,” but what’s the best order? 

Well, this brings on the next rule for getting drop servicing clients effortlessly, step number 3 is to make sure you have your marketing channels in order from highest return on investment to the lowest so that you go with the easiest and fastest ways to get sales first, then add on more difficult and expensive marketing channels in order to scale your drop servicing business.

And I’m going to give you this ideal order in a second…

But first, closing clients requires multiple channels. The more touchpoints you have with a potential drop servicing client, the more sales you’re going to get and the higher your conversion rate will be. So, instead of not following up at all, you will follow up with leads who’ve expressed interest in your offer religiously.

If following up once increases your conversion rate by 50%, then following up twice increases it by 75%, and three times 85%. You will experience diminishing returns with each followup, but it’s still worth it to do so because these small increases in conversion rates become more important as you scale up your drop servicing marketing efforts. What I’ve found to be the optimal number of times to follow up is 7.

So, let’s get into what the ideal ecosystem of marketing and sales to get clients is for drop servicing.

This is the ecosystem: you have marketing and sales as a whole, so in marketing you have it split into both free and paid methods. We want to do the free methods first in order to get our first few sales for free in a new drop servicing business, then reinvest that money into the paid methods which will then allow us to scale up our drop servicing business.

You need to build it all in the right order. 

In order to take advantage of the Pareto principle and avoid diminishing returns, you’ll start off with cold email, appointment setters, and social media outreach. Then, once you are getting decent sales from these, you will expand into the paid methods such as LinkedIn ads, Google Ads, and Facebook ads.

When it comes to the sales part of the equation, you need to have a 7-step-followup system, following up with potential clients by leaving voicemails, following up with emails, connecting on social media and retargeting.

You see, the thing is if you have this entire drop servicing marketing and sales system built out, only when you maximize the returns you get and scale much more easily, you’ll also close clients at a much higher conversion rate then if you didn’t have this sales system.

The marketing ecosystem all works together to support one another and increase both the returns you get from your sales and increase the number of clients that decide to move forward with you becoming a flywheel that gathers momentum allowing you to grow faster and faster to hit your drop servicing goal.

Now, that’s how I get clients effortlessly in my dropservicing business, from 2015 right up until today. These days my focus is using these businesses to teach others how to start their own little Drop Servicing businesses, which you can learn more about on our Dylan Sigley Crunchbase page and find plenty more information from students on our Dylan Sigley Reviews page.

Dylan Sigley

With drop servicing Dylan Sigley has been able to build multiple successful businesses that allow him to travel the world living a life of freedom, today he’s focused on teaching you how to do the same with his education business the Drop Servicing blueprint..

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