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Why Should You Do an Executive Education Qualification?

There’s no doubt that doing an executive education qualification such as an MBA is costly and has high entry requirements. So, why should you put yourself through the demanding experience of more schooling when you already have a degree? 

As a graduate going into the workplace with little experience, you might now regret your career choice. Doing an executive qualification allows you to change your career path, find your niche, and do something that suits you better. 

If you enjoy the industry you’re working in, it’s very easy to get into a rut and work becomes a routine. Doing a qualification like an MBA shakes you out of your complacency, opens up a world of opportunities, and broadens your horizons. It might be a grueling experience, but you’ll find it is worth it in the long run. 

Whatever your reasons for embarking on more schooling, competition for jobs nowadays is fierce. With so many graduates competing for the same job vacancies, gaining an MBA gives you an edge over the other candidates during the difficult selection procedure. 

Despite a slight fall in new hiring, the most recent GMAC Corporate Recruiters Survey Report found that 81% of companies were planning to take on MBA graduates. This is because employers recognize that many of the skills that are taught on the course are directly relevant to the workplace. 

But what kind of skills do you learn on a course like an MBA? 

Improvement of your work-related skills 

An executive education enables you to gain an in-depth knowledge of all the core practical business skills. The right courses allow you to develop your leadership abilities, be resourceful, collaborate with others on team projects, learn the importance of time management, and have the necessary self-confidence to become proficient in public speaking. All of these qualities are essential in the workplace—whatever sector you decide to work in. 

Apart from the core subjects, your choice of electives enables you to customize the course to suit your own needs and future ambitions. Whatever industry you work in, an MBA gives you all the areas of expertise you require to succeed in your chosen career. With such a qualification, you can reach higher in your career much faster. It’s no coincidence that nearly half of the CEOs of the Fortune Top 100 companies possess an MBA. 

Success in the global workplace 

Doing an executive qualification with an international aspect,—such as the one designed by Hult International Business School—gives you all-important exposure to the business culture of other countries and the ability to succeed in the global workplace. Your classmates will be drawn from a wide range of different backgrounds, fields and countries. Your collaborative work with them will give you first-hand knowledge of the mindsets of other countries and provide you with a fresh outlook on global, social and business issues. 

After dealing with the challenges of the course together, you will develop strong bonds with your classmates. Even after graduation, these contacts will prove beneficial in your future career. 

Apart from your enduring friendships with your classmates, your lecturers and guest speakers will give you further opportunities to make contacts with professionals who will be useful for your future career progression—either to land your dream job after graduation or to network. 

The financial rewards of an executive education 

An MBA might entail costly tuition fees, but it is also financially rewarding in the long term. According to the non-profit organization, the Graduate Management Admission Council, those with an MBA earn significantly higher salaries. According to their latest 2018 research, holders of an MBA command median base salaries of $105,000 compared to $85,000 for those recruited in-house and nearly two-thirds higher than the starting salary of a holder of a BA ($65,000). 

On balance, the rewards—both professionally and financially—far outweigh the drawbacks of completing a course in executive education. This theoretical and practical qualification allows you to claim your rightful place in the international business world and succeed in your chosen career. 

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