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Why you should you be booking yearly boiler checks

Technician repairing Gas Furnace.

Boilers are at the heart of the home, yet servicing a boiler isn’t something we really think about or have on the top of our to-do lists, even though it is important. Boilers can break down any time and if the faults are left too long it is likely to cost you more money, as you will probably need to get it replaced rather than repaired. Booking in an annual boiler check will help prevent major problems and ensure that everything is working as it should.

Here are some reasons why you should get your boiler checked every year:

Annual boiler checks will help it maintain efficiency

Just as your car should be serviced every year it is the same for your boiler. The main reason being it will ensure that everything is still in check and your boiler is running safely. Carbon monoxide is a scentless and colourless gas so it’s difficult to tell if there is a leak, having an annual boiler check will help to spot any faults early. Also it means that you can keep your boiler running for as long as possible without replacing it, which is around 10 years. The few things that an engineer will check are whether the boiler is burning correctly, check the interior components for dust and dirt and test the boiler parts to ensure they are all running as they should.

Not waiting for a breakdown will will save you money in the long run

Boiler installation can cost you between £500 and £2,500, so it isn’t something you want to be doing too regularly. An annual boiler servicing costs around £50 – £120, which is significantly less than fitting in a new boiler, not the mention the cost of the new unit itself.

A way to save money when you are getting your boiler serviced is to opt for a local boiler engineer, they can be cheaper than contacting a boiler engineer from your service provider and are likely to have more availability. The rate for a local engineer is usually at the £50-£70 mark, whereas a National company is a bit steeper at around £110-£120.

Not only this, but as your boiler engineer will be able to check if all the parts are running efficiently, meaning they will be able see if your boiler is being wasteful in terms of energy for it to run. If it is, they will be able to advise you and this in turn will help keep your energy bills down.

Keep your home warm and family cosy in winter

Plan ahead and book in a boiler service in summer before autumn and winter hits if possible. Winter months are generally busier and the last thing you want is for your boiler to break down when it is freezing outside and want the heating on to cosy up your home. Book now, even if it’s for next year!

It’s the law for Landlords and businesses

If you’re Landlord, your tenant’s safety is your responsibility, so getting the boiler checked in the premises is small price to pay in the bigger picture. You can find out more information on gas safety for landlords at Gas Safe Register

For businesses it is the same, you are legally bound to keep all gas and oil installations up to date under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. For employee safety, a Gas Safe certificate is required specifically for boilers, so it’s worth checking this and getting all boilers in for an annual servicing.


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