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5 Apps That Will Help You Learn To Code

With technology’s constant advancement, new careers and opportunities arise, coding can be a vital skill in that world, and it is a key element. Interested in learning to code but unsure of where to begin or unable to attend school to do so? If you’re interested in learning to code, there are a few ways you can do it with your phone.

Here are 5 coding apps to help you learn to code.


You can learn many different coding languages with this app. Whether you’re learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, or another skill, this app offers courses taught by industry leaders from places such as Google and Facebook. The app is free for many of the courses, but if you upgrade to the premium version, you will also have access to feedback from those in their field as well as connect with others who are learning to code.

Besides serving as a platform for learning, it helps build a community and bring people together who are interested in coding. In some premium courses recently released, you can also learn how to build artificial intelligence. However, these courses tend to be a bit expensive, ranging from $1000-$2400 per course.


If you are looking for a platform that will help you learn to code efficiently, CodeHub is a good option. There are 50 lessons in each course, so the material offered is vast and you can choose the way you would like to learn. There are four levels of lessons, giving you the option to choose your category of strength within each department, so if you already know to code, you can skip the basics.


SoloLearn is ideal for people with no prior coding experience and who wish to learn from scratch. The sections of the course are divided into “chapters” that define the subject matter. Each chapter ends with a quiz that tests your understanding. You must pass the quiz to move on to the next chapter. It works similarly to an online college course, where you can ask questions and engage in discussions with other students about issues you may be unclear about. Keep practicing by taking the code playground quizzes and activities.

Programming Hub

It is best if you are interested in learning coding languages. According to its developers, you can master as many as 18 different languages with Programming Hub. Using the app, you can take over 1800 courses and learn at your own pace. You can access course materials from anywhere, even when offline.

Khan Academy

There are more than 6000 videos on Khan Academy about computer science. Free video tutorials and exercises are offered on the app, which is designed to change the way education is provided by offering free courses. There are also courses about creating web pages and drawing and animation.

Here are a few options for learning to code online and on mobile devices. Each offers similar courses, however, personal preferences can vary, so try out a few to see which is best for you!

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