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Why Responsive Websites are not Mobile-Friendly: Top 8 reasons

I was already looking to update my personal website and tweak it a bit before I published a post. When writing the post, I realized I needed my own website to be mobile-friendly. Flipping through all the pages on my laptop screen was giving me a headache. Surely there are others in a similar situation — they want their site to be mobile-friendly but aren’t exactly sure how. Mobile traffic overtook desktop traffic some time ago. Today, people are searching on their mobile devices and expecting your website to be optimized for user experience. Mobile links prominently in Google results; in fact, mobile-friendliness was a significant ranking factor until late 2015 when it became a strong signal.

If your website isn’t mobile-friendly—your business could be missing out on a huge number of potential customers. If you run an e-commerce store, a practice, or even a large corporation, your customers will be using mobile devices more than ever to access the internet. In fact, says that by the end of 2016 over 70 percent of all internet traffic will be from mobile devices. Mobile traffic overtook desktop traffic some time ago. Today, people are searching on their mobile devices and expecting your website to be optimized for user experience. Today’s consumers are always on the go, and they want to access the latest info from their mobile devices. Mobile optimization is crucial for SEO because more people will be accessing your content from their smartphones than ever before. A mobile-friendly website is an essential part of any successful business. Visitors from various countries and regions use their mobiles to check out your goods or services no matter where they are located. An effective and attractive website helps visitors find what they are looking for and makes the shopping experience pleasant and hassle-free. Today we are going to discuss why do we need a mobile-friendly website:

A mobile-friendly website is more likely to achieve the maximum bounce rate, which means visitors are more likely to read content and complete various tasks on your site. On the flip side, a website with a hard-to-read design could lead more people away from it than towards it. On a mobile device, you’re likely to see a website first and foremost as a device to view content; make sure it’s optimized for that purpose and reflects the most important aspects of your business or brand without unnecessary clutter.

There has never been a better time to be a mobile user, with the rise of apps for everything from banking to shopping. The easiest way to know if a website is mobile-friendly is by its design. Don’t just view the homepage, examine all images and content on the site — especially those located on the page source. Make sure there is a clear call to action for both mobile users and users with disabilities.

Just as the desktop version of a site needs to be fast and responsive, mobile websites need to be mobile-friendly. A properly designed site can be viewed on any device regardless of the network carrier. This helps the user get to their content quicker and avoid losing progress while loading the site. Mobile-friendly design is also important for SEO. Google ranks websites very highly on mobile search and it’s becoming harder and harder for websites to rank well without a well-designed mobile-friendly site.

Creating a mobile-friendly website allows you to reach your customers wherever they are. It improves conversions and traffic on your website. Think about how many times you go online and don’t see your target market. Why is that? It could be down to a particular browser’s technical capabilities or mobile device limitations. You can take advantage of things like Google-optimized pages, images, fonts, or sizing which can help boost conversions on your website

We live in an online world. Our phones are our most versatile tools. We use them to order food, look up information, go shopping, and play games. With the advent of mobile marketing, small businesses have a far greater opportunity to reach customers in new places and do many things that were once thought impossible. We are entering an era of search Engine Optimization (SEO). When you focus on getting a website built using modern methods and strategies this may not seem like such a big deal. But when you consider all of the major publishers throughout history – all of whom had massive budgets and massive staffs – they were all trying very different tactics to get their websites found by users.

Mobile traffic is now a critical part of marketing because 60% of people visit a site within four days of leaving a website. With so much traffic on a single page, an easy way to boost engagement is by putting a mobile-friendly version of your site up. Visitors from mobile devices are just as likely as non-mobile users to bookmark a page, like a logo or product image, so having a well-designed site on mobile will help set it apart from other sites on the Internet..

 A mobile-friendly website is an event that you can’t afford to miss. Include social media integration on your site to get more clients everyone who visits your website will see your responsive design the moment they open their browser. It makes it easier to read and navigate, and you won’t need to stress over whether or not they’ll be able to view it. Use buttons and icons to improve it generally. So add social media icons or buttons, responsiveness in the design, and make it easy for them to share your content without having to leave your site. This user-friendly interface of your website ultimately helps you rank better on google, and increases your button clicks and site conversions.

Mobile friendly is a term that is thrown around quite a lot these days. We hear it from our friends, family, and colleagues. It’s also something that we see being built by some of the top brands in the world. Yet, many people don’t really understand what it means or what it takes to make a website mobile-friendly.

.Mobile-friendly websites can be beneficial for both businesses and visitors alike. Visitors can load websites faster and remain engaged longer. According to statistics from the Audit Bureau of Circulations, in 2009 there were more than 300 million visits to U.S. Bankruptcy courts due to slow loading times on websites. This can damage the borrower’s case and delay payments while increasing legal fees and stress. A majority of companies today are moving towards adopting mobile websites in order to increase sales and profitability while decreasing costs for employees and reducing bandwidth usage

It allows people to see where your business is located in real-time on social media. This allows them to connect more easily with you and lets them know where things are happening in your community. It keeps them up-to-date with new opportunities available in their communities. People are more likely to visit your business if they see it advertised on different types of media than if it’s only listed on a company website. Many small businesses don’t have websites so they rely on social media as a form of advertising.

Mobile friendly is a term we consistently hear thrown around within the Parse team. When we first started out there weren’t as many mobile-friendly websites out there and we were working off of whatever information was available online. As time has gone on this has changed and so has the world around us. There are now many websites that will look good on either iPhone or Android but only a select few will look best on whichever device you happen to have at your disposal.

If you have a website that could be viewed on different devices, then it would be best if you had a mobile-friendly version. This is not just for better navigation and displaying images and texts on smaller screens but also for faster loading time. A well-designed and mobile-friendly website are more likely to lead to conversions because people are more likely to buy from a website that looks good on mobile devices.

Young entrepreneurs face a number of challenges. One is the lack of resources. Another is the fear of failure. Fear can paralyze us into inaction or worse yet, into making poor decisions that will hurt us in the long run. On top of that, there is a lot of misinformation about running a business online which can make things worse. The good news is that you don’t need to be an expert in everything to start a business online. You just need to know a few things. One thing that you probably don’t know is how to make a website mobile-friendly. This is something that not many people know and yet is one of the most vital things a business owner can do.

The smartphone is becoming an essential device in our lives. We use it to go shopping, chat with friends and relatives, check work emails and even play games. Today, the demand for the best mobile website has become a competitive factor for any e-commerce business. Mobile users want easy access to information that is relevant to them. They want to be able to take advantage of online promotions, special offers, and price cuts without having to download applications or be connected to the Internet at all.

With mobile devices becoming the primary device for accessing the internet, users want their websites to be mobile-friendly. Some people believe having a website that is fully responsive means an increased chance of conversions because visitors can pick up their packages right where they left off on their phones. Others believe having an easy-to-use site on mobile devices will increase support from their clients when they have issues using desktop computers or accessing the computer networks.

Making your website Mobile-Friendly and Responsive with LT Browser

LT browser is an award-winning, device-friendly browser. It is a developer-friendly browser that lets you develop your website providing faster responsive testing for front-end developers. This browser provides a list of 50+ pre-installed mobile devices. It has a built-in debugging tool that allows users to debug the code quickly and reach the root cause. Last but not least LT Browser minimizes your efforts to install multiple devices or rent expensive device labs. Test your web app or website on a range of mobile devices to get consistency at every step!

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