In 2022, many people decided to take their lives in hand and start a new economic path. The start of a new investment journey may be a really good way to give your capital the change to grow instead of just saving it. What drives most people to embark on this new adventure is the desire to try to secure a more economically stable future for themselves and their family. However, many people forget how risky investing can be. While it could be a great way to generate financial growth, investing can be dangerous as the outcome of your every move always depends on the performance of individual investments. The amount you get is always unpredictable and you may end up with less than you would have hoped for. This is why financial planning was invented. It consists in carefully planning the type of investments to be made, the investment area, every move, and much more to minimize any risk. Also, nowadays UK residents have a really wide choice when it comes to the way money can be invested. Investors can choose among different types of accounts, such as GIA (General Investment Account), ISA (Individual Savings Account), and much more. For example, the first one is suitable for people who want to have control over the amount of money that can be withdrawn and deposited; whereas an ISA has been created for first-time investors to be free to invest in a wide range of fields and in a tax-efficient way, but there’s a limit on the amount to deposit in it. ISAs come in many different kinds, such as Cash Isa, Stocks and Shares Isa, Lifetime Isa, and Junior Isa, and today you also have the chance to have flexible isas.
But how do get the most out of investments and why is it essential to create a solid financial plan? Let’s find out more about this matter in this article.
Why investment planning is important?
The first step in the creation of a strong financial strategy is to design an investment portfolio, which is nothing more than a collection of properties on which all your economic moves are based. In this case, to create a solid financial portfolio able to make you get the most out of every investment, it is essential to diversify the assets within it as much as possible. Indeed, if you have a well-diversified portfolio, bad investments in one area will not have any negative impact on other investments made in different fields. That’s why having a strong financial plan is vital for people who want to start investing their capital. Investment planning is a crucial part of one’s investment path because it gives the holder more control over his economic situation. Once you have set your goals and ambitions, both in life and economic terms, you are ready to start your new path, as long as you remember the risk that comes with it.
GIAs and ISAs: what’s the difference?
You’re planning to start investing your money but you’re torn between ISAs and GIAs? Even though many people struggle to tell them apart, they are two very different types of accounts. An ISA is a savings account that also allows you to invest in many different fields and in a tax-efficient way. This means that you will not have to pay taxes on the money you invest or deposit. ISAs come with a cap on the maximum amount that can be deposited in a year, which is currently set at £ 20,000 for all accounts apart from the Junior Isa, for which it amounts to £ 9,000. On the contrary, with a GIA you can withdraw your money at any time and no limit will be imposed on the maximum amount that can be deposited. However, unlike ISAs, GIAs require you to pay taxes depending on your economic situation.