The TV world was stunned to see two of Fox News’ best-known female reporters, Greta Van Susteren and Megyn Kelly, wind up together at NBC. The decision of Tucker Carlson to take the place of Kelly recommends that any slant by senior Fox administration to temper the system’s moderate belief system, or to put a straight news columnist into its prime-time lineup, rather than a right-inclining reporter, may have been subdued by Trump’s race. Appraisals for Sean Hannity, a Trump champion, are up since Election Day, and Carlson’s fast accomplishment at 7 p.m. recommended that traditionalist viewers remain an intense drive for Fox News, fiscally and politically.
The Murdoch family, which controls Fox News’ parent, 21st Century Fox, has said freely that it has no arrangements to essentially change the system’s in-house voice in conclusion programming. Still, the nonattendance of Kelly, who turned into the objective of vitriolic feedback from Trump, evacuates the Fox News stay who had most reliably tested the president-elect amid the battle.
Carlson made his notoriety for being a traditionalist provocateur, however his style inclines more toward William F. Buckley than Andrew Breitbart. Natty and savvy, however he has shed his once-signature tie, Carlson parts his time between preppy enclaves like Georgetown and Maine, and was a magazine author before swinging to TV punditry.
He has been routinely reprimanded by liberals and women’s activist gatherings for making comments seen as disparaging or sexist. At the point when his sibling, Buckley Carlson, sent a revolting sexist email in 2015 to a representative for Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York, Tucker Carlson dismissed any worries. Simply a month ago, he finished a warmed trade with a Teen Vogue essayist about governmental issues by urging her to “adhere to the thigh-high boots,” alluding to her magazine’s concentrate on culture.