The ECAT from Andrea Rossi: Nuclear Fusion and the Rossi Effect
Inventor Andrea Rossi has caught the attention of the scientific community in recent years for his invention of the ECAT. The ECAT (Energy Catalyser) is a new cold fusion device,... Read More
Smart Card Choices: Different Smart Card Types Explained
Almost everyone possesses a smart card of some kind or other; either a bank card, a loyalty card or a workplace ID card. However, not all smart cards are the... Read More
Nanotechnology used to improve beer quality
Scientists from the University of Granada (UGR) have developed an optical sensor based on nanotechnology that allows improving the quality of the beer manufacturing process. It is a sensor that... Read More
MPs don’t think animals are sentient. Science and culture disagree
The UK government recently caused vitriol when it emerged MPs had voted not to write part of an EU treaty recognising animals as sentient beings into the EU Withdrawal Bill.... Read More
How Dominica is leading the way in sustainable development
The economies of Caribbean islands are largely dependent on tourism. Take the idyllic island of Aruba, where travel and tourism contributes more than 88% of total GDP and the sector... Read More
Physicist William Happer speaks positive of global warming
Princeton educator William Happer met with Donald Trump to discuss the environmental change and the impacts on people. In 2015 Senate declaration, Happer contended that the advantages that more carbon... Read More
John Kerry “Grave Danger” Israel And Palestine Affair
“Grave Danger” according to US Secretary of State John Kerry declaring that there possible will never be a successful cease-fire in the Israeli-Palestinian saga. Both countries have been locked in... Read More
China Has A Grand Ambition For 2018 And 2020!
China, the country with the largest population with over a billion people sits at the forefront of almost everything that is manufactured on Planet Earth. Now the biggest economy has... Read More
The Cold is leaving the North Pole
There were two essential players in strangely high temperature. The first was a gigantic and to a great degree strong low weight system north of Greenland. The counterclockwise stream around... Read More
Scientists are making wires with diamonds
Despite the fact that there are different approaches to get materials to self-gather, this is the first appeared to make a nanowire with a strong, crystalline center that has great... Read More
CanThe Dwarf Planet Ceres Sustain Life?
NASA Probe Dawn About To See First Glimpse OfCeres In March The Dawn spacecraft from NASA is set to orbit around adwarf planet called Ceres in March 2015. According to... Read More
Possible Ice Volcanoes in NASA
The rough world called Ceres never developed sufficiently vast to join the select club of full-developed planets, settling rather for the rank of smaller person planet. In any case, Ceres... Read More