Four Extraordinary Voices That Are Shaping The Future of America
National News – Four extraordinary voices that are shaping the future of America today include: Jacquie Murrell, Lady J .Co, Georgia Woodbine, Renowned Author/Speaker Renee McRae, The Poetic Motivator, and Jairrod A. Burch, Influencer/Expert Value Empowerment Speaker. All four individuals that are listed here continue to impact many lives and have consistently used their unique voice to inspire an untold number of people on the planet.
Each of the individuals listed above are change agents who have not only changed people’s lives, but have changed the paths of their lives. Today we will give you a glimpse into the immense talent, skill, wisdom, and insight that each of these phenomenal speakers are continuing to bless the world by sharing their unique gifts.
Jacquie Murrell, Lady J .Co – Lady J is an Author, Youth/Family Mentor, Motivational Speaker, Life Transformation & Business Coach, Media Personality, Serial Entrepreneur, and Community Servant Leader. She has degrees in Business Management and Psychology; is a Certified Tailor, Certified PSA, and is working towards a doctorate in Family Counseling. Bounce Back Corner https://www.ladyj.co/blog-1 www.ladyj.co
Georgia Woodbine, Author, Speaker – She is one of the world’s top women speakers and expert in personal and professional development. Widely known as a change agent, dynamic and entertaining speaker and a highly sought after trainer, she has helped to motivate and inspire an entire generation. She has been featured in media outlets such as; The Daily News, Huffington Post, Rolling Out Magazine, The Journal News and Amsterdam News, 103.9FM, 98.7Kiss FM, Power 104.4FM and Sirius Radio XM. No Lables No Limits Podcast http://www.nolabelsnolimitspodcast.com/episodes/episode-123-creating-the-life-you-love-with-georgia-woodbinewww.georgiawoodbine.com
Renée McRae, the Poetic Motivator – Renée McRae is the Founder & Pres. of Poetic Motivations LLC, a personal development training company. Author, Poet, Teaching Artist, Motivational Speaker, Transformation Coach and most recently, Recording Artist, Renée McRae has enhanced school climates and cultures for over two decades. Students, Teachers and Parents absolutely love her! Using poetry as a springboard, Ms. McRae captivates, mesmerizes and empowers any audience. Through her fun-filled Workshops and Assembly Programs, she specializes in Success Skills by focusing on Self Esteem, Managing Emotions, Peer Pressure, Communication Skills, Goal-Setting & Conflict Resolution. Listen to the Poetic Motivator here: https://www.reneemcrae.com/videos/www.reneemcrae.com
Jairrod A. Burch, Influencer/Expert Value Empowerment Speaker – National Public Speaker / Radio personality Consultant / Value Life-Coach / Advisor / CEO & Founder – He is also the Founder of “Academy Victorious”. A University within Value on Purpose which teaches, empowers and equips schools, corporations, sports teams, organizations, and other diverse professions on the power of knowing your purpose when you discover personal value. Jairrod also served as partner and spokesperson for (BIGMANTAKEOVER), which is endorsed by pro (NFL Hall of Famer, Michael Strahan), and founded by former (NFL player Dwight Johnson).
Learn Your Voice here: https://tinyurl.com/learnyourvoicehttps://www.valueonpurpose.com/
For booking inquiries for any of the speakers listed above email: wapublicrelationsco@gmail.com or call: Phone: (347) 727-9015
WA Public Relations Company