How to apply video marketing to your business strategy

What is video marketing? Why use video marketing? How to apply video marketing to your business? Surely you have asked yourself some of these questions to boost your business content marketing strategy or to be able to sell your products or services using video in your online marketing strategy. Regardless of the type of video you want to create, in this guide, I will show you essential tips that you must take into account to implement video marketing in your company or brand.

What is video marketing

It is a digital marketing strategy that consists of creating audiovisual content to promote a brand or sell a product, service or information product to achieve the objectives that you have set for your business.

Why use video marketing in your business strategy

There are numerous reasons to use video marketing in your business strategy so that you realize the importance of implementing video in your company. I want to give you some information that will be interesting for you:

  • On social networks like YouTube, Instagram, Twitch and TikTok, the popular content is the video.
  • By 2022, 82% of internet consumption will be through video.
  • According to Forrester, there is a 41% chance that a user will click on a video than on a text.
  • According to website ratings, videos showing your products can increase sales by 144%.
  • Videos are absorbed 60,000 times better than text content.
  • In Google search results, more and more videos appear as a source of information.

Advantages of using video marketing

The benefits of video marketing are diverse, so the reasons you use video for the marketing of your business may be different from other companies. Here is a compilation of the many advantages video marketing can offer you.


You transmit more confidence to the user since you show the brand or the product in a more realistic way, showing their characteristics in more detail.


You can explain the product or service in a closer way as if the client were face to face with you, which increases the chances of a sale.


You improve your content’s organic or SEO positioning since more and more video results are shown in search engines, so you increase the chances that people will see you and know you.

Diversify your content

You may be offering suitable content for a user, but the means of communication may not be the right one for him. If you add video marketing to your strategy, you will be able to satisfy the type of format that a large part of Internet users consume today.


Many companies are applying video to show how their company works inside so that they teach users how they work, how they do things and what the atmosphere is in the company. This technique gives you a tremendous level of confidence compared to those companies that do not apply it. Many businesses or brands already show all these techniques on their Twitch channels or their TikTok live streams.

Closeness to the potential client

Apart from uploading video content, it is vital to serving the community interested in your content. If you make, for example, a video of recipes, answering questions in the video’s comments is very valuable to improve communication with your users. Apart from that, it serves as a clue to know the main doubts they have for tomorrow to improve the product or service you launch.

Steps to use video marketing

Do you want to launch a digital marketing plan but don’t know where to start? Now I will tell you a series of steps that you must take into account to develop a video marketing strategy.

Set your goals and objectives

Video marketing is a means of communication that can help you achieve different goals and in each business, the objective may be different. Think about what you want to achieve and value that it is a realistic goal.

Do you want to increase the traffic to your website? Do you prefer to get conversions? Do you want to increase the reputation of your brand? Depending on each objective, the mode and medium in which you are going to transmit the videos will vary.

Analyze your competition

Whether or not you are starting in this area, it is very important that you look at what video marketing strategies your direct competitors have applied.

It is very valuable that you know who your direct competitors are. If you have a small food business in your neighborhood, it is useless to investigate the Mercadona supermarket chain since it has nothing to do with your business model. By analyzing your competitors, you will have a good path gained since you will see the steps that companies that have already carried out those marketing actions have been implementing.

Study your audience

You cannot start creating a video without first knowing who you are targeting. For this, you will have to investigate your audience and know what they need, their preferences, needs, etc.

The tools that social networks provide about your community will help you know data about your audience.

Create your video marketing strategy

Once you have completed the previous steps, you already have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, you have an idea of how your competition did it and you know who you are targeting. It remains for you to know how you are going to spread your videos. To do this, you will have to plan your content in an editorial calendar to know the date and time of publication according to the best moments for your audience.

You will have to collect the necessary information to create a script of what you are going to talk about in your videos and what resources you will need to be able to execute it in the best possible way. And lastly, you will need a video editing tool that is easy to use. It should offer predesigned templates, and a simple interface to create video content without stopping to try.

Work your videos for SEO

It is useless to have a good video if it is not seen later. To improve the SEO positioning of your videos, I recommend that you be clear about different aspects:

  • Write the main keyword in the title of the video.
  • Make sure the title is eye-catching and that it matches the video.
  • Create a cover or thumbnail that grabs the user’s attention.
  • In the video description, use keywords or synonyms for the main keyword.
  • Modify the meta description for one according to the content.

Share the video on your social media

Let’s take as an example that you created a video for a landing page to explain what users are going to learn in a master class. Are you going to leave your video standing alone on your landing page? No. Here are some ideas you can do to give the video more publicity:

  • Share it on the official profiles of your social networks.
  • Disseminate it in the groups of social networks.
  • Create a newsletter with a link to the video.
  • Upload the video to YouTube with a link to the landing page in the description.
  • Produce advertising campaigns on social networks.
  • Create a related article and embed the video in it.

Measure and analyze the results

The metrics that you have to measure will vary depending on the objective that you have initially set since they will not be the same in a brand awareness campaign as in one to obtain conversions. This point will be critical to be able to refine the strategy during its process, as well as to be able to improve future campaigns that you carry out later on.


Have you applied video marketing to your business strategy? Which part has been most difficult for you when implementing it? Do not hesitate to share the article on your social networks if you like it.

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