EMODU AG (“SEMODU”), Munich, a technology-focused project developer with a focus on modular construction, intends to enter the fund business for institutional investors.
Within the framework of “SEMODU Institutional”, SEMODU intends to initiate residential real estate funds for semi-professional and/or professional investors in the future. In doing so, “SEMODU Institutional” will not only act as an entrepreneurial sparring partner, but rather as the real estate investment and asset manager. Through direct access to its own project developments, SEMODU offers existing and future investors the opportunity to gain access to high-dividend, ESG-compliant quarter developments and to accompany projects from the very beginning and throughout the entire value chain. The goal is to secure long-term value creation for institutional investors in the DACH region.
In the future, SEMODU AG intends to structure its own project developments in the form of open-ended special AIF in accordance with KAGB. The launch of open-ended special real estate AIF managed by SEMODU enables institutional investors to invest in mixed-use real estate portfolios. The fund is to be launched in cooperation with a service KVG and will initially focus on proprietary project developments in southern Germany.
Benedict Heidbüchel, LL.M., extends his role to Head of Investor Relations & Asset Management and will be responsible for building up this market segment. The 29-year-old has already been in charge of Investor Relations at SEMODU, which has been listed in the general over-the-counter segment of the Munich Stock Exchange since its launch in March 2022. “The modular design creates an above-average level of cost certainty with the highest quality standards, enabling institutional investors to leverage value and achieve positive results despite persistently challenging market conditions and an extremely restrictive financing environment,” says Heidbüchel.
SEMODU thus bundles asset and investment expertise and ensures a sustainable deal pipeline with stable value development with an excellent network in the Southern German region. “SEMODU AG has achieved high value increases since its foundation. We intend to continue this growth path in 2023 and the years to come,” said company founder and sole CEO Frank Talmon l’Armée. “Now we want institutional investors to increasingly benefit from our real estate expertise.”