Even if you have the most eye-catching Instagram feed, everything will be useless if you don’t an audience to see it in the first place.
To build a solid Instagram presence and grow it bigger and better, here are several ways that you can try to make your business grow in this popular social network.
Follow the Same Users
Start by following and engaging with targeted users. Since Instagram is a social network, it only makes sense to be social here. You can expect better results if you like and comment on other photos instead of just posting and staying silent all the time.
To gain more followers, use the “follow, like, like, like” strategy. Look for specific users with hashtags related to your customers and business. Follow those users of the top photos that you find and like their last three posted photos.
Doing this will show the user that you did not just follow them but that you also dug further and like the things they care about. The strategy can help you engage better with those users who might be interested with your brand and you may earn some new followers along the way.
Host Photo Contests
Everyone loves to win something. Hosting contests can also do wonders in growing your Instagram audience. Photo contests can help attract more followers and boost your brand’s exposure and engagement.
You can use specific hashtags for your content so that it will be easier for people to join and also easier for you to manage the competition. During the contest, ask participants to comment on their entries and tag another person who should join. This can dramatically increase the reach of both your contest and your brand as a whole.
Post Consistently
The key for a successful marketing strategy is to be consistent with your message and this is also applicable in growing your Instagram audience. Average Instagram users post once a day and users with the most number of fans post two to three photos a day.
It means that if your goal is to get more followers, you need to post as frequently as possible. Be consistent with posting more quality photos to gain better brand exposure and more followers.
Understand Hashtags and Use Them Properly
Instagram is the place where hashtags play the most important role. The use of the right hashtag will help expose your photos to a bigger and more targeted audience, including those users who don’t even follow you. Instagram users don’t really mind hashtag stuffing so don’t be afraid using relevant hashtags followed by your target audience.
Use Emojis
The use of emojis is another great way of building Instagram followers and engagement, depending on the personas of your target buyers. These emojis can be used for conveying emotions as they have now become the universal method of expression.
Use the Correct Filters
The right filters for your photos can also lead to more engagement and views. In particular, filters that create warm tones, higher exposure, and high contrast can lead to more engagement.
Use Videos
Last but not the least, videos can help you connect with the target audience more than static images. Instagram lets you upload or record videos for up to one minute and using them can do wonders for your brand.
Follow these tips and see your Instagram audience grow in no time!