There is a danger that children will be trained tactically, knowing the primary attack resources in the game of chess, typical sacrifices, tactical resources, etc. Still, they will not be able to assess positions or create plans due to strategic ignorance.
We are going to summarize in this article which are the pillars of chess strategy, which all children and adults who practice our game should try to study.
Pillars Of The Strategy In Chess. Fundamental For The Progress Of Children.
- Pawn structures:
As we are going to see, several of the following could be framed within this point. Anatoly Machulsky said that “pawns are the soul of chess”. Indeed the understanding of the game of pawns gives us a deep idea of the strategy.
While the rest of the pieces can change their position quickly, the pawns that we advance can no longer go back, and that is precisely one of the reasons why the game with the pawns is so delicate.
- Types of center:
If the pawn structure, in general, is essential, what happens to it in the center of the board is incredibly decisive and definitely marks the character of the position. Knowing the different types of centers and their associated plans is essential when it comes to an understanding of what happens in a game.
That is why we should not study memory openings, something that all children who play chess must learn, but rather by relating them to the type of center that is reached and the typical plans and maneuvers associated with those centers.
- Weak pawns:
Children learn in chess classes that bent, isolated, backward pawns, etc., can be weak. Chess instructors must take care that children do not rigidly learn these ideas.
From the first moments, they must be made to understand that there are many positions in which the side that creates these “weaknesses” may be better, thanks to others position factors, mainly dynamic.
The issue of compensation for material or the creation of weaknesses is incredibly difficult for children who learn chess, so it is highly recommended to insist on the subject by showing suitable examples.
- Weak squares:
The creation and use of weak squares are another of the pillars of chess strategy. A beginner chess player needs a great material advantage to win a game; expert players can prevail by taking advantage of only a weak square of the rival.
- Breakpoints:
The location and use of breaking points is another issue that children and adults who play chess must understand correctly.
It will be essential, especially in closed positions or even in opposite castling positions, where having breaking points in the enemy castling can be decisive.
- Arrangement of the pieces:
“Knowing how to place the pieces in the best squares is an art in chess, and it is closely related to the pawn structure that we have.” explains Anatoly Machulsky.
But undoubtedly, concepts such as coordination of the pieces will be essential for chess progress. The sense of harmony in position sets great players apart.